Wednesday, June 04, 2003


a saturday morning. colin woke up in his big comfortable waterbed after a major hangover. he had a very bad headache and realised he had slept through the morning and it's nearly eleven. oh man. he missed work! where was megan? didn't she come home yesterday? megan and colin stays together in this super nice condo apartment that colin's father kinda bought for him when he turned 25 two years ago. it was always a dream of meg's that she would live with colin in an apartment of their own and be in love forever. ha. apparently it's indeed a fantasy. colin looked around the house with his eyes still half open.

"meg?" he called out. but no answer. he then decided to call her handphone.... but she keeps missing his calls. "argh! forget it! if you want to be angry with me fine! go ahead and be this childish freak!" colin growled and slammed the phone down.
he lay back down on his bed and tried to shake the headache off. maybe it was better for him to be back in his sleep, trying to forget everything that happened yesterday. first megan's ignorning him, thinking that he's cheating on her! he wasn't! well, he wanted to and perhaps end their relationship in the future but not now! this is too soon! and then next came shayna being angry with him making her the third party! oh man. how bad can a guy's life get? the the phone rang.

"hello?" colin growled in the phone.
"colin? are you feeling alright? you missed work today." Mr. Tan's voice came through the other side.
"oh dad. sorry. i'm having a throbbing headache." which wasn't exactly a lie... yet also not exactly the truth.
"i see. you take care of yourself. drink more water. tomorrow we are having a celebration for colby at the club during lunchtime. ask shayna along too alright? i'm sure he'd want to see her there."
"i'll try dad. i need to rest now. see you tomorrow."

Jasmine Shanea @ 1:50 am